Satsang signifie "être en compagnie de la vérité", la vérité de la conscience infinie que nous sommes. Celle-ci n'appartient à personne, et elle est tout ce qui est : Amour inconditionnel.
In order to confirm the bank transfer, you will need to upload a receipt or take a screenshot of your transfer within 1 day from your payment date. If a bank transfer is made but no receipt is uploaded within this period, your order will be cancelled. We will verify and confirm your receipt within 3 working days from the date you upload it.
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Phiên c?a b?n ?ã h?t h?n, vui lòng ??ng nh?p l?i.
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B?n có ch?c ch?n mu?n xóa ??a ch? này không?
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